A few hints to help when filling out your application form.

  • Carp care is our number 1 priority so if you don’t own a decent size net and proper unhooking mat/ cradle, please don’t apply.
  • Racism and Bullying will not be tolerated in anyway and this is one thing we look for on your social media accounts.
  • We always prioritise our existing customers as they know our products so if you don’t already have some of our products we suggest getting some. Please don’t lie on your application form and tell us you own our products as we will check.
  • If you have been inactive on your accounts for more than 12 months we will look to remove your Team membership unless notified of reasons in advance.
  • Honesty is the best policy don’t say you fish 4 nights a week if it’s only fish 2 nights a month, we understand people have family and work lives outside fishing it’s not always bank time that make you a successful applicant.
  • After applying make sure to check your spam folder every couple of days as we contact successful applicants by email and in the past we have had acceptance emails appear in the Spam/ Junk folder.


We want to give you a short introduction to how we work, everyone starts off on the same discount that is your reward for the promotional work we would expect you to be doing via social media shares etc. We operate Promo members and full consultants. Consultants gain the same level of discount but also other items from our range.  To get to a full consultant we expect high quality social media material at a constant rate.   The main reason we increase this discounts is mainly due to the quality of photos and video clips sent in and also consistency of catch rate. Team members must be prepared to promote and use all of our products including both clothing and bait so unfortunately we can’t take on new members who are already affiliated with clothing or bait companies.